The Womb:

The Womb:
A Creative Safe Space

Who Is DaiDaGlamazon

I am Feminity, I am Kindred, I am Divine, I am Passion, I am Poetry, I am Consciousness, I am Self-Love, I am Complex, I am Truth, I am Sensuality, I am Authentic, I am Cultured, I am Wisdom, I am Evolution, I AM......

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Past,Present,Future:My Compulsion

Often times I am so consumed with the what's next and particulars of my future that I often miss the beauty of my right now. I so often forfeit living in the now because my future seems brighter, so much more attractive and interesting. As my obsessive worrying consumes me, I unconsciously duplicate cycles of missing the beauty of my current space. My grandiose visions and aspirations launches me into a distant space, my future. Causing me to blindly neglect my current place. I am so oblivious that my former current space is my immediate past and my awaited future is now my current state.

Yet I am un-filled and un-inspired.So again I peek over my shoulder, glancing at past and notice that I am left vexed, empty, of the things I have left un-done. I have a wish-ah-would've-could've thought process plaguing my psyche. Had I embraced my right now, I would have been able to live in the moment and embraced all of its un-folding possibilities. But No! I forfeited it by day dreaming of tomorrow, planning for what will come sooner or later.

Albeit, I am grabbing hold of today, my right now, for this circular movement will end. I understand now that my future is the inevitable. Thus, my right now needs some tending too. So I send up liquid prayers, open my eyes, sway my hips, while poise and grace guide my feet.....I freeze my thoughts and just be.. I am embracing my right now season, while blindly believing God for the unfolding, un-limited possibilities that is right lies here before me...

1 comment:

  1. over here hand clappn and finga snappn, we so must remember to enjoy the now, like I am right...this...second. Write on, write on
